Tick Treatments

  • Posted: July 1, 2008 
  • by Mary Ann Brookes   -  
  • Comments Off on Tick Treatments

Ticks belong to the group of parasites known as arthropods.

Ticks are classified as either soft ticks or hard ticks. The type of ticks in your area will vary depending upon such factors as altitude, humidity, and temperature variations. Soft ticks prefer warm climates. The Spinus Ear Tick prefers to live in the ear canal and is found mainly in the South. Female hard ticks engorge with blood in preparation for reproduction.

Ticks are extremely hard parasites to control. Experimentally, they have been known to survive for many years when allowed to feed only once a year.

Ticks are host to many diseases to pets and people. As with flea control, always follow the manufacturer’s recommendation when using chemicals.

In cases of heavy tick infestation it may be necessary to fumigate buildings or spray brush and grass to reduce tick level.

Three Step Flea & Tick Control

Step 1: Kill all the fleas on the pet

Use a good flea shampoo that contains pyrethrins, a natural organic insecticide that is formulated for pets who are sensitive to harsh fleas chemicals. Flea and tick dip with pyrethrins can be added to the final hot oil rinse in the ‘Hot Oil Grooming Proceedure’ by Rich Health.

Step 2: Control the environment

Fleas and ticks can only live on the pet for a short period of time. Therefore, the environment must be controlled with a flea and tick control program.

Step 3: Keep fleas off the pets

Use flea and tick spray or residual powder. These products can be used on a regular basis a few days after the flea bath or dip.

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